
About Us

Hello there!!

Welcome to our blog  दो घुमक्कड़.

We are so happy that you'd like to know more about us.

If you are wondering, what दो-घुमक्कड़ is, then its all about two nomadic soul searching the inner peace through travelling. Most of our friends call us घुमक्कड़, so here's the travelography of दो-घुमक्कड़.

Gargi Manish a traveler, nature lover and adventurer extraordinaire from Delhi, India. Controlling the brain for skilling India by profession, but when it comes to passion, control their genes for - "GHUMAKKARI"

Travelling has long been a passion for us. We love travel because we love the challenge of unexpected and unknown. We want to experience the world through the eyes of local and our lenses, not as a tourist.

We love exploring country, city or place by connecting the dots with its history, culture and people.

In this blog we try to frame the vibrancy of the landscapes, the architectural grandeur of monuments or the cultural & social values of people and make a short, honest and interesting stories on our photographs.

We wish to visit as many places as we can, learn various languages, custom, traditions and capture every precious moment for our life time memory.

About Gargi

Some one who never accepted the unremarkable to be part of her life. She is Electrical Engineer by profession. She has an endless energy and always optimistic for her acts. Gargi is an extremely adventurous person who loves reading/writing poetry, meeting new people from different corners of the world and sharing memories. She is the main writer of the stories on  दो-घुमक्कड़ & all the pictures on  दो-घुमक्कड़ carries her signature.

About Manish

Explorer and debater. Writer and teacher. Philosopher and photographer. 
These are all professions that Manish has very little skills and attributes in, but that doesn't stop him from trying. He is an Engineering graduate, and with an all-encompassing passion  and love for travel, he endeavors to bring his enthusiasm for life to the far corners of the globe and inspire other घुमक्कड़ to do the same.  

Thanking You!!

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