Durga: A warrior fighting the demons of Unorganised Sector
5:25 pm
"Empowerment of women is essential as their value systems lead to the development of a good family, good society and ultimately good nation"
She is protective and violent not because of the hatred, egotism or getting pleasure in violence but because she acts out of necessity for the love of the good, for the liberation of those who depend on her and a mark of the beginning of soul's journey to creative freedom.

Same way many Durga is fighting with different demons of unorganized sectors from centuries, for the liberation and affection of their loved ones, with keeping her face calm and serene.

The female participation in unorganised sector is more than male. A large number of women from rural areas migrate to cities and town all over India. Most of these women and girls are working in unorganized sector for low wages due to low level of skill, lack of education, ignorance and thus they face high level of exploitation, wage discrimination and lot of physical problems. They work in inhuman condition in cities as their per day income is very low. Their condition is highly unpredictable and have constraints related to their work such as insecurity, irregular wages payment, absence of medical and accidental care etc.

But apart from all these the most grieving factor for them is- not getting that social status, what other Durga enjoys.

The mandate of the time is to include them in teaching, guiding, skill enhancement and same time motivate people and leaders to work for their betterment, so that the intelligent participation of these workers will lead to social and economic development of nation as well as individuals.

"Empowerment of women is essential as their value systems lead to the development of a good family, good society and ultimately good nation"-- Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.

To achieve this we as a society have to provide them respective wages and job security, medical care and then move beyond those issues to raising the class consciousness of the workers and then struggles have to gradually move from the factories and homes to the streets for availing their human rights.
Don't worship Durga only for nine days, rather respect every Durga in your daily life.